Nicholson Baker - The Way the World Works read book TXT, MOBI, FB2


Bestselling author Baker, "who writes like no one else in America" ("Newsweek"), has assembled his best nonfiction writing over the last 15 years, a trove of original and provocative pieces., New York Times bestselling author Nicholson Baker, "who writes like no one else in America" ( Newsweek), has assembled his best nonfiction writing over the last fifteen years, a trove of original and provocative pieces. The Way the World Works, Nicholson Baker's second essay collection, ranges over the map of life to examine what ails us, what eases our pain, and what gives us joy. Bakerrecently hailed as "one of the most consistently enticing writers of our time" by The New York Times Book Reviewmoves from political controversy to the intimacy of his own life, from forgotten heroes of pacifism to airplane wings, telephones, paper mills, David Remnick, Joseph Pulitzer, the OED, and the manufacture of the Venetian gondola. In the book's title essay, Baker surveys our fascination with video games while attempting to beat his teenage son at Modern Warfare 2; in a celebrated essay on Wikipedia, he describes his efforts to stem the tide of encyclopedic deletionism. Through all these pieces (for The New Yorker, Harper's Magazine, and other publications), Baker shines the light of an inexpugnable curiosity; The Way the World Works is a keen-minded, generous-spirited compendium by a modern American master., Nicholson Baker, who "writes like no one else in America" ("Newsweek"), here assembles his best short pieces from the last fifteen years. "The Way the World Works," Baker's second nonfiction collection, ranges over the map of life to examine what troubles us, what eases our pain, and what brings us joy. Baker moves from political controversy to the intimacy of his own life, from forgotten heroes of pacifism to airplane wings, telephones, paper mills, David Remnick, Joseph Pulitzer, the "OED," and the manufacture of the Venetian gondola. He writes about kite string and about the moment he met his wife, and he surveys our fascination with video games while attempting to beat his teenage son at "Modern Warfare 2." In a celebrated essay on Wikipedia, Baker describes his efforts to stem the tide of encyclopedic deletionism; in another, he charts the rise of e-readers; in a third he chronicles his Freedom of Information lawsuit against the San Francisco Public Library. Through all these pieces, many written for "The New Yorker," "Harper's," and "The American Scholar," Baker shines the light of an inexpugnable curiosity. "The Way the World Works "is a keen-minded, generous-spirited compendium by a modern American master.

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